TRANSFORMERS- One shall stand, One shall fall

which drive in??

man you all over rate this movie and it is a huge GM commerical lmao… i love the way you put that flat240 :R

the 5 drive in is on dundas and 403. so close and you get 3 moves for 11 bucks mostly on the weekends, if not its 2 moveis for 11 bucks so its still woth it, and you get to stay with your car!

^^^^nice, i’m going to go to the drive in (thanks for the location) next time, its fun being lowtech once in a while.

By the way did anyone notice that the movie transformers had the same ship and that sam guys ungle’s stuff (the glasses,old smoking pipe, and few other things) these were the same items in that movie The National Treasure, which Nic Cage used.

The pipe was the same it was a regular old smoking pipe with a ship sculpture at its smoking end, same piece that Nic Cage used to unlock the door to the National Treasure.And same seen of the ship at north pole!!!

Not only that this movie transformer was released on July 4th,on independance day.

keeping with the alien theme, the first alien conspiracy happened on 1947,Roswelled, if you ask me whats the significance to that date i will show you with a pencil and paper, its to do with simple earth geometry.

If you have kids, or little brothers and sisters, you should watch thier cartoons, movies and see the stuff thats in them you will be surprised, the newest example is the new simpson’s movie comming out and the movie “MIMZY” each and everyone of them has to do with same things, alien contact, supernatural powers, and world destruction (war) Armageddon. By the way i haven’t seen Mimzy, but i will check it out when it come on DVD. Here’s an example, if you told your grand parents about such conspiracies today they would have a stroke in defense for you are talking crazy, today we execpt some part, “maby”, tomorrow our kids will belive in all this, and their kids may exist among such things.

lol, am i babling.

I was expecting a nice fun movie, which it was, but i did not expect it to be so (hidden with conspiracies) basically what i mean is everything is so planned and precise, the dates of the releases, the move theme and messages hidden in them, and these few movies like the transformers, always turn out to be box office busters.

I got to the theatre 2 hours before, bought my tickets two days before, still ending behind 100 people, lol, i ran from the other side, slowing down i looked back, people started running behind me, my mom says,lol, when people saw you run they ran too, hehehe it was jokes, when i looked back for a sec, i saw like 50 people running crazy towards me.

But over all sick movie, it just became a little kiddy at the half mark, because there was i guess too much comedy, and serious charectors, getting pushed around by kids. But i guess the film makers new that, if they made it more stylish hardcore serious action like Die Hard, people would have taken the movie really seriously, so they basically threw a curve ball, by throwing info at us with a sense of humour.

I know people might flame me because im taking this movie seriously, but it just has too much stuff related to conspiracies and events.

Was good movie though, emm, the girl was sweet, i wish the old camaro, busted up the guys 22inch rim H2 in the begining scene, oh i forgot, the H2 was a GM



lol someone should highlight that :slight_smile:

i knew there was going to be alot of hidden stuff in the movie i was just really lazy onthe fact that i wanted to just watch the action
Drive in is great and not so much low tech if your car has a badassed system