Travis Barker Forever Remix

yeppp, i would NOT be complaining if that happened.

Impressive work.

I wonder what he could do with some rock classics if he had an opportunity.

Bon Jovi, Living on a prayer comes to mind. :ponder

Travis Barker likes hip-hop, that’s why he choses these songs.
Not a matter of given the opportunity or not.
Hence why The Transplants are fantastical (that and because Tim Armstrong is the man) and he rocks out hard.

He’s good but highly overrated.

Shown up by a 90 year old man


wow the old dood has some real technical skilllssss


Dudes got some serious talent.

He does, but this song/video isn’t really a good showcase for it.

The song definitely takes some patience and balls though. I’d get bored/tired half way through and give up.

me2 :frowning:

^same, but not as much as i miss old weezer

still nice seeing him back doin his shit after his accident

Travis Is pretty sick , But this man deserves some serious respect

This was acctualy a pretty good watch…

I think the thing that appeals to me the most about travis when he plays is how free/loose he is… he gets so into it… where as some other serious drummers you see are tight like their afraid to fuck up or soemthing…

travis barker is a great drummer!
i love watching his remix videos!

12 year old > Barker

Jason Bitner from Schenectady > Barker

jason is great! really bummed i missed seeing him play when he came back a few months ago :frowning:

wtf now every time i hear this song it sucks with out the sound of the drums

Ive never even heard it without the drums, i havent listened to rap since high school but this song seems alright.


good find kid

I can’t stand the double bass. It can make anything sound “good.”