travis butt spooge

that would be the last pain he ever got ,but get me some pills nuttin like assfuckin on sedatives ya last for hrs ,it maks me the man :rofl

for about 30 seconds:D

Thats the shit thats on my mind, not pooper sex

well at least lick a penny take a walk on the wild side paul:rofl

wouldnt that eat up my stomach or something? Ulcer?

I think Ill pass on that one. Money is dirty.

takin asprin wont kill ya unless ya eat like 11teen of them at once …just eat a lortab and go night night

all sex is dirty paul thats what makes it fun

I just dont like taking pills. I usually try to work out the pain at the gym but I think today going to the gym gave me more pain

I lika…a doa…da cha cha

:retardclap Yeah, putting stress load on an already damaged muscle area is gonna help ya…

fine suffer ,im a pussy ill eat pills like cereal in the mornin :up

i stress the same muscle a few times a night,wait were goin o/t on paul again …eat some pills and have buttsecks wit a girl preferably but whatever we wont judge ya on here:D

Usually it helps though. I hurt my shoulder to the point of barely being able to move it last year and went to the gym and did shoulder shit and it never hurt again.

Today just doing my normal leg workout mustve been enough to fuck shit up worse though.

Not me. And I havent even been to a doctor in atleast 8 years.

no pills, no pooper sex, no gay sex

So we know whos gonna sparratically die in a few years due to not getting a check up every once in awhile:rofl


fine just rub one out for the rest of your life



wow just wow