travis butt spooge

na, i see it as win win. she gets pregs, win! it feels great, win! she loves it, win! i get a chance to try out my new/old rusty coat hanger, win!

a baby crying comes next:rofl

u just arent learing are u. THATS WHAT WOMEN ARE FOR!!!

trust me its harder than u think lol, I tried for like 8 months and nothing , gotta have the man tested :rofl

hahahaha I would know lol I have a 5 yr old:D

i dont have the AIDS but thanks.

hahaha when did i ever say aids lol i was talkin about havin my man tested ( fertility wise ) :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

LMFAO @ all of Deadbeat’s posts in this thread!!


kids are the devils gift.

:rofl sometimes yes lol

y do u think babies have cone shaped heads when they are lil, the parents try to flush them. oops!

the devils sandwich if you will…


if youre a car person, unless you make good money, its game over…its game over for me soon… gti go bye bye

no kid, but i cant afford to go to school and pay for the gti

u bitch! u tried it didnt u!!!

calling CPS right now

eh not always true, in my own opinion having a kid doesnt cost that much, they are like pets kinda, they are small so they dont eat that much…I dunno I didnt think it was all that bad, and another plus is income taxes, at the end of the yr with having a kid I get anywheres from 3500-5000 back, so theres money to do up my car :slight_smile: I just have to wait until January every year:rofl

step 1-make baby

step 2 -raise baby on protein

step 3-sell baby to sports team

step 4-repeat steps 1-3

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl hahahaha I dont think anyone would be dumb enough to do that

u forget the world we live in.
