what are u guys doing to my thread? LOL :runaway
fucking. morons. :idiots
quiet slut you like the attention :tong
i tried to hold out man i really did but its kinda discouraging arguing like 10 against one. in the end it all doesnt matter. i like all cars, i just have a prefference to honda. you can like or dislike whatever you want we are fighting based on opinion in the first place. i like 3kgt’s ive helped swap a 6g72tt. i just think hondas engineering for a naturally aspirated motor is superior to other companies.
im gonna disagree and say they are built for good na setups but bigblock v8’s and such beat it out in that catagory, they still put out great numbers for their size though
V8s and 4 cyl are completely different N/A set ups
:confused @ thread title… i am not seeing where ive made an ass of myself at all here. show me one post in this thread where ive posted misinformation?.. dick smoking moderators FTL
BAM there it is, you making an ass out of yourself…hence why youre the first post i split.
and youre the one that apparently wants to be young, dumb, and full of cum…allow me to find the quote.
so not only were you once young and filled with semen, but you would like to be filled with semen again?
ummm lets see… when someone is WHITE you dont go around saying “your shit is hard yo”, OR “tight” to things… that to me is a wigger or someone attempting to act “ghetto” for lack of a politically correct term that wont get me banned… and if you read things in context you’d comprehend unless at age 19 you are the god of all things and have mastered the automotive world. (which i find hard to believe)… benny grow up and stop taking out your penis envy on me. im sorry for your short commings but grow the fuck up
its not black to say those things dude lol. its really not. i picked it up like 4 years ago. my cousin from so-cal would come and stay for the summers and it just rubbed off on me i guess. its totally not a ghetto thing to say though lol. :crackup
whats with all the penis talk?..you can tell us travis, we wont judge you.
and MY shortcomings?
you’re the one living outside of your means paying 40k+ for a 25k car :rofl at least i got my shit together enough to know that im not getting RAPED on buying a car :rofl
im perfectly content in paying for my vehicle and all the parts on it. you sir need to seriously take inventory on why you believe you have to attack me. jealousy perhaps? hence the penis envy comment. once again i revert back to saying grow up. you are trying but your attempts are feeble minded and transparent to your true motive… you thilly homo you.
and yes… its ghetto… whether it came from southern california or suburbia idaho… its fucking ghetto… ur white… act it
now now now dude. dont bust the poor guy about having a car payment. if the price of a car is higher its always better. and its important to have a nice car with matching paint, cause that makes you faster. air get trapped in the dents and nonmatching colors. its like the basic law of physics :crackup. naw but seriously sti’s are hot in any case.
Maybe you should have kept your mouth shut then?
Trust me, this will follow you for years.
hahah i dont care how long you remember it. im not going to lose any sleep over it. it can follow me all it wants. you can kiss my ass. :haha
I don’t mean to attack, I’m just not sure why you’d think I’d be jealous of your car/financial situation
Your car can go fast in a straight line for like 5 pulls before your top mount is actually making you LOSE power as it reaches the capability of boiling water :rofl
At least I know I could pound on my car for a solid hour at a track before it ran out of gas/broke a sweat even…and not just in a straight line either…your build, as it seems is focused on being ‘king of da’ streets, yo’, which I guess is cool too, if you’re into that sort of thing :thumb :rofl
It’s a metaphor. Similies use ‘like’ or ‘as’.
Like you’re as dumb AS a box of rocks. Totally unrelated though.