Travis content

Why dont you get off Failvis’s nuts already?

i think they are made for each other, as soon as i read the “thanks for playing” that just dawned on me… maybe they are soul mates

Why don’t you hop off MY ass already? Are you jealous or something cuz he’s getting more attention than you? Do you need people to pick on you too to stroke your ego?

I’ve got an idea… YOU can take a nice deep suck out of my asshole…

…and YOU can do the same. :slight_smile: Thanks.

who the fuck are you ? noone knows who u are but yet ya think we all do and ya talk shit .

Hold on there cupcake… pay attention to when I’ve opened my mouth and typed anything mean. It’s ALL been provoked, it’s all been in response to someone running their mouth or talking shit. SO, if nobody on here knows me (and you’re right, none of you do except for ONE person) maybe all the shit talking should fucking stop. I haven’t said anything mean about anyone or done anything that wasn’t provoked. :slight_smile:

i dont personally care ,but ya do follow his shit around and look for the failvis tags .im sorry yours and his dating site lovey dovie bullshit didnt work out but noone cares about what you and him shared so stop stalkin shit

WHOA… I’m not stalking SHIT. I had commented in this thread before any of the shit started with the thread that someone ELSE created for me. No lovie dovie bullshit between he and I, we talked, I decided to stop talking, I blocked and deleted him. END OF STORY. So it took me by surprise slightly when he wants to run his mouth about how I want his nuts… I stuck up for myself and apparently certain people couldn’t handle that. shrugs NOT my problem. The only reason I end up in these threads is because I use my USER CP to check the threads I’ve posted in to see if anyone’s responded to my shit… and when I saw the nasty shit his useless waste of skin and breathe had to say about me in another thread… I had to get in my two cents.

like i said ,im sorry about the breakup .i dont care

lol Cute… think what you will. He’s a failure at life, I’m living mine and doing very well at it thank you. :slight_smile:

good for you

EG and Travis have the same comebacks… definitely made for each other.

I’m thrilled you think so. :slight_smile:

Maybe since you are all so concerned with who he’s MADE for, maybe you should all just start sucking his dick. I’m SURE he’d let you.

they didnt even make it past the online part ,cmon now

a little sensative are we ? its ok id miss his yellow teath also

SEE!!! I TOLD YOU!! :rofl

i think its travis.

im willin to bet effin is trav under a new name

They have the same style comebacks AND they both make SURE you know what they’re talking about, and that they are NOT made for each other by putting emphasis on words by CAPITALIZING.

so trav did ya like your titties ya saw ?

I enjoy my boobs and so does my boyfriend. The worthless piece of shit never got anything from me. lol Once again, you guys can believe what you want, but I personally think that it’s you all that are obsessed with Travis. Jealous maybe? No… probably not. Whatever, don’t care. :slight_smile: