Travis content

SOME of the people on this board are cool as shit. I found that out the first night I was really on here posting, you’ve also got some real assholes.

Harass away… doesn’t bother me. If you’re talking shit about me… you’re not talking shit about someone else who might not be able to handle it. I’m a tough girl. :slight_smile:

:rofl and … great free porn sites. :slight_smile: lol

lolololololololollololololo please i got way better that that pg-13 shit .

Fuck it… it worked for me when I needed it. lol

he wants farm animal sex, for the rest of us, youtube like porn sites are just fine

LMAO… MY BAD, I thought he was in NY, not Vermont where the men are men and the sheep are SCARRRRRRED.

effin great is there a reason why the last 5 posts that youve made do not contain naked pictures of yourself?


Hop off? JClarks’s in your ass? O.o

effinggreat = TRAVIS… he is she, she is he? him is her shim?



she may be a self admitted bitch but she’s not on the travis level… thats just mean…

There’s plent of porn around… youre on the internet. Go find some.

:slight_smile: ty

Whatever you need to think, follower. But if you really look at my typing compared to his and the words that I use compared to him, you’ll see my typing skills are 100% better than his and I’m probably 1000 times smarter. Yay for high IQ’s.

I never said I was a BITCH! Don’t be mean to me like that.

I said I was a C**T. lol :slight_smile:

Seriously just stop posting, you did for a while and now your back! You really do sound like Travis!

You and Failvis really are made for each other. You’re both the most classless human beings I’ve ever encountered. Go away.

Agreed. I’ve been sitting back and watching this thread without posting, but I have to say that hearing the things coming out of this “girls” mouth remind me 100% of Failvis. Coming from a girl brings her down to his level or even lower in my book. A whole lot of white trash posting in here…

:rofl i agree, just stop posting

kramer u don’t want pics

you literally type exactly like him

lol thanks for the warning