Travis content

how effingreat would it be if it was travis

I did cuz I have a life, and I was putting together an apartment I just moved into.

I make ONE nasty comment that is “unbecoming” of a girl… WAH, you guys talk shit all day long and it makes you sound like assholes. lol

I agree, that one comment I made was probably over the line… I usually don’t say shit like that. shrugs

But it’s not. :slight_smile:

:facepalm Jeez Failvisa, you arent getting how this works.

We are assholes. And you’re classless white trash.

Didn’t Travis get those digitz via Match.Com?

I think I’d light my bitch on fire.

If she was my bitch, i’d light myself on fire.

If I was a fire, she’d bitch a light.

If I was a light, I’d bitch out a fire.

If I were a bitch, I’d light a fire.

What you’re not getting… is I don’t CARE how you THINK it works. :slight_smile:

No worries, I’d DEFINITELY do it for you. :slight_smile:

Good idea Jclark! mods, username change?

Then why are you whining about it?

Fight her

I’m not whining about it, you guys are the one who keep the shit up. I apologized for stepping out of line with the comments I made to Singh and that other dude, I admitted some of the shit I’ve said has been a little less than lady like… and yet you guys keep wanting to talk shit.

I’m DONE with this and any other thread that has anything to do with Travis or you guys just feeling the need to rag on someone.

If you don’t like being ragged on you wont like this site.:lol

One more reason to never goto Amsterdam…

There’s a difference between being ragged on in a ha ha funny kinda way, and being ragged on and being disrespected. I was in the Army for 3 years, I can handle having people talk shit to me, and I’ll be more than happy to throw some back… but I’m not mean unless provoked.

yeah take it easy you fucking goons

Ah your comebacks are weak anyways and this site is unprovocked bullshit. Thats all you will find. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

that is simply not true.

Do I sense a hint of sarcasm??