Travis Crotch Bitch, Moan, Whine like a girl thread

Can we atleast get his screen name permanently changed to Failvis?

can we get yours change to Goomba?

Im not Italian

right click > save as


Worst movie ever

wtf you talking about ti was hysterical… :rofl:rofl

Yeah, it sucked donkey dick

tssss… what are you guys talking about, that movie should have won an academy award

Who is responsible for the most epic fail

Super mario bros the movie? Or the TS?

Oh boy… the threads getting up to epic levels now.

quick learner we have here :lmao :lmao

it’s my first one!! :clap

You really should think before you speak… equal treatment? how about the way the equal treatment concept seemed to have SLIPPED from YOUR OWN GRASP in my case/situation that apparently everyone “knows” about… hmmm

pot calling the kettle black much?

you can’t honestly be looking for equal treatment when you treat people LIKE SHIT man…

the whole ban thing… whatever travis… really you could move on to another forum. or just make another name?

and let’s just not bring that shit up again because you and I both know exactly what will happen again.

This is the same Travis that said he could kick my ass but pulled the “pressing charges” card when I acctually wanted to fight him right? Equal treatment? Get the fuck out outta here. LOL

Hey, you go away! Big bully!! lol

wait till brett see,s the pics .heads are gonna roll.i dont blame him niether