Travis's sti on the ground

LMAO , shit never gets old.

Long story short…I don’t tolerate any negative comments towards any military personnel on any forum I’m a part of. Period. Shoulder an M16, hitch a ride on the next C130/C5G over to afgan, and tread bombs n’ bullets for this country before you dare even mention a negative comment about someone who’s done just that for the land you walk upon. The “hand of god” was extended to me outside my small rule for 20 seconds and I put him down for another 30 days due to continued negative comments towards the same military personnel that resulted in his previous ban(mind you, not even 24hrs after his ban was lifted).

If and when he returns he brings it up again, he will be dealt with again. Aside from that he’s free to roam wild under the discretion and pending swift justice of the admins and supervising mods…

Please carry on with OT and allow hilarity to ensue. I’m down with that :slight_smile:

I wish he didnt have to be banned, but if we could just hold his head under water for a few minutes each time. Ideas?

word. oh and + rep mrman.

I vote backing mysterious 2.08:50 around WGI, hog tied behind certain E36…:rofl

j/k on “mysterious” part

If the forum will donate fresh tires, I’ll do my part.

You sure? With him that close to your car there’s a 99% chance of your car going up in flames and I would hate to see that.

Oooooooo, true. I’ll donate the 3500HD, clark at the wheel? Shit’s flameproof. Oh and ~60lbs in the tires and the thing has like no body roll :smiley:

that was my fault remember guys lolololololololol

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl " i had a 400hp sti till this guy (points at john) blew it up"



Is true?

Cliff Notes: newb mocks Failvis with video of Falvis fail? Priceless.



you werent even there so how ya gonna quote it like ya know what happened

i was there to see the charred remains. smelled like VICTORY!

ill admit it ,it was funny as hell .esp when the ins question came out lolololololol

I was passed out on the picnic table in my brothers truck when it happened but I remember waking up and Dave (Big Red) was holding a charred license plate.

Damn Ive gotta stop drinking so much when Im in LG.

+rep , u said it very well

You make absolutely no sense.

Travis says:
i had a 400hp sti till this guy

Then points at you

then says : blew it up


haha yupp. i remb that night.