trevor or psi2high and mk430r

fuck you both my balls hurt ,game on :wink:

hahahah, im gonna buy you a cup, and buy carm a beerski :clap

he dont drink beer ,fucker did it when i was runnin brake lines ,arms in the air and helpless

ill buy him a cheezzzburger then.

ill get you a youth sized cup too, should solve the problem

its on brett ,its on like donkey kong…you and fifal

im not worried.

be afraid be very afraid

Lies you were humping his face

cant hit, what you cant catch

no he got me today because of brett

i may be fat but i can still move

What did I miss?

Lmao this is to funny

fuckin brett and trevor keep havin carm cup check me

interesting. Who’s Trevor on here?

fifal is,psi2high

i hit carmen up last night and requested it. he said “no” i said c’mon maaaaan. then i got a call from john this morning. :lol

Thats Sean.

BTW the dollar stores usually sell cups.

youd know that why? do you frequent the dollar tree?

I always go to Dollar Tree and Yankee Dollar. Usually a few times a week. Theyve got good shit there.