Truck Detail

devin, i didnt buff it, just a single hand wax.

i told him it was brand new and really didnt really need a wax but he said he wanted it, so o well… if he’s payin i’ll do whatever he wants

play nice boys

how soon to wax a new vehicle depends on the vehicle itself, and where it was. Back in 94 (maybe 95) when I worked at Baierl Mitsubishi, the cars came coated in a protective film. to protect it from rail dust from the shipyard it sat at, but others were clean from Normal IL. We had a special chemical to remove it, then you had to wax it. At Don Allen a few years ago most new gm’s had to be clay barred after pulling the plastic, from the road grime of being shipped… but the mazda’s came in clean enough to wax and go. Some dealers will wax the cars for you before delivery, others just ship ya down the road…

I don’t claim to know it all. I’m just saying that the way cars are today, the old curing rule has kind of been outdated. And I’m not just someone trying to say you’re wrong because I can, I detail, too - So it’s not like I don’t have any idea what I’m talking about.

YaY sleeper did it again!:zzz: