Tuesday 21st h-park 7:00PM Back parking lot

was wondering if anyone wanted to go to hawrelak tom mid evening seen as its going to be

28 and partly cloudy!!!

some frisbee or football

What time in the mid evning.

why dont we all pick a time, i will start out by throwin out maby a 6-7ish, i really dont care

I don’t have to work so I’ll come and hang out. :smiley:

Don’t care about the time either. Frisbee sounds good.

The guys at 780 are also doing somthing tom night, meeting up UC at 7ish

So tommorow at 7 PM at hawrelak in the back parking lot? I’m not exactly sure which is the back parking lot (haven’t been to hawrelak in a long time) but I’ll be there.

I might roll by if I remeber

i will beat you with a hammer if you forget, pm me your number

Hmmmm what the hell i’ll go im off work at 5

i got a first aid course running all day but i got a rugby ball in my car and i should be able to come by tomorrow eve just have to give me driections as i am from BC.

i’ll show up around 7 then. at uc.

so you are showing up where at 7, h-park?

Hes going to UC

we could meet up at 6 and then go to uc at 7, the 780 boys are not even sure if they are going to meet up, but never the less.

Yeah that works i posted on 780 under the events and meets if anyone wants to go to UC.

Change of plans, no UC i guess they are meeting at the last parking lot at H-Park, there is also people from 780 going to be there.

where bouts are you going to start from, HP is a pain to discribe

west on university ave from 114st, or west on 82ave if farther east, you have to go up the 1st overpass just after the “circle”

from the north side i dont remeber the road? st albert trail? all the way south

give me directions from WEM that would b easiest. but it souds as though my dad has a tee time at 730 so i may go gofl instead.

Well here, I made you a map.

I’ve circled both WEM and Hpark (as you can plainly see). I think the easiest way would be to turn south from WEM and get on the Whitemud heading east, then when it turns south get off it and head east on Fox Drive. Then turn left (North) onto 114th, then another left (west) onto University Avenue, and follow that and you should get to Hpark. I suck at giving directions and only know how to get to Hpark because I’ve been there before. Hope this helps.

OR if you’d really like, I can always meet you at WEM and you can follow me to Hpark.

well, either would work. i still need to figure out if i am still going golfing tonite, im not too sure i want to as its hotter then the devils **** out right now but ill figure it out and post a message or you could add me to MSn edged420@hotmail.com and i can pass ya my number from there.