:tup: to Hybrid


I know what’s going on here, you guys are really fighting over who gets to date sc1chik…


You stay out of this…this is man talk…clearly no place for you.


I know what’s going on here, you guys are really fighting over who gets to date sc1chik…


so whats it like being a mentally retarded white kid? I would really like to know. I will never understand what the fuck is going through your mind when you decide to start ethugging a 216 pound black man with namibian blood. Seriously… either you are fucking crazy or you are ’ the rock’ either way, I’m not scared of you or your tiny little white man penis. YOu don’t know who you’re fuckin with. I’m a 216 pound black man. I work as a security guard for a professional skater. I do carry guns, and I have been trained to use them in the event of an emergency and have been trained where to shoot to show self defense. I also have a 11 inch cock that I’m gonna ram up your ass.


so whats it like being a mentally retarded white kid? I would really like to know. I will never understand what the fuck is going through your mind when you decide to start ethugging a 216 pound black man with namibian blood. Seriously… either you are fucking crazy or you are ’ the rock’ either way, I’m not scared of you or your tiny little white man penis. YOu don’t know who you’re fuckin with. I’m a 216 pound black man. I work as a security guard for a professional skater. I do carry guns, and I have been trained to use them in the event of an emergency and have been trained where to shoot to show self defense. I also have a 11 inch cock that I’m gonna ram up your ass.


You sound like a cracked out 16 year old computer nerd. Don’t be bringin that trash in here…this is my house…you be trippin fool

i see what you did there…

anyways :tup: to hybrid

and supporting site sponsors


so whats it like being a mentally retarded white kid? I would really like to know. I will never understand what the fuck is going through your mind when you decide to start ethugging a 216 pound black man with namibian blood. Seriously… either you are fucking crazy or you are ’ the rock’ either way, I’m not scared of you or your tiny little white man penis. YOu don’t know who you’re fuckin with. I’m a 216 pound black man. I work as a security guard for a professional skater. I do carry guns, and I have been trained to use them in the event of an emergency and have been trained where to shoot to show self defense. I also have a 11 inch cock that I’m gonna ram up your ass.


I hope someone at Best Buy saw you guy typing this, then rats you out to upper management for internet abuse. You get fired and live the life of a vagabond, eating garbage off the street, begging for change and sleeping under the stairs at the ritz.


i see what you did there…



srsly i’m done. i’ll save this shit for non-automotive. :tup: to don. he’s a phenomenal guy and has a fantastic team working for him with one exception. i’m not going to say who though.


I hope someone at Best Buy saw you guy typing this, then rats you out to upper management for internet abuse. You get fired and live the life of a vagabond, eating garbage off the street, begging for change and sleeping under the stairs at the ritz.


fuck you, ive raped people for far less than this. you think you can fucking come on nyspeed and just act like a fucking hardass and order people around? Bad news for you, fuckface, but tonights the night your luck runs out. You fucking tell ANYBODY on these forums what to do again, and you’re going to find out the hard way what a fucking baseball bat to the side of the skull feels like. Think I’m fucking kidding? I have your IP, I know who you are, and Im more than willing to settle this argument face to fucking face. You call yourself a moderator? We’ll see who’s the moderator when one of us is lying face down in a pile of their own blood, shit, and piss. Try and order someone else on here around, and see what fucking happens to you. I’m normally a calm guy but when I need to, I’m willing to break some fucking face to get my point across, just fucking test me you worthless sack of excrement.

EDIT: now i’m really done.

Rubicant, move this to off topic. The thread is ruined anyway.


fuck you, ive raped people for far less than this. you think you can fucking come on nyspeed and just act like a fucking hardass and order people around? Bad news for you, fuckface, but tonights the night your luck runs out. You fucking tell ANYBODY on these forums what to do again, and you’re going to find out the hard way what a fucking baseball bat to the side of the skull feels like. Think I’m fucking kidding? I have your IP, I know who you are, and Im more than willing to settle this argument face to fucking face. You call yourself a moderator? We’ll see who’s the moderator when one of us is lying face down in a pile of their own blood, shit, and piss. Try and order someone else on here around, and see what fucking happens to you. I’m normally a calm guy but when I need to, I’m willing to break some fucking face to get my point across, just fucking test me you worthless sack of excrement.

EDIT: now i’m really done.


Fucking Mac people, they are all on goddamn crack…

I dunno what EvilJay’s excuse is, too much crunk??


Fucking Mac people, they are all on goddamn crack…


Go on and hate on my secret society of mac owners if you want, I don’t give a shit, there’s nothing I can techinically do about it, but I think it’s a proven fact that the only reason have for hating on secret clubs is that they don’t know, or are scared to go through what it takes to be apart of it.
For those of you that don’t know, MAC is an active chapter of what is known as the “Skull and Bones” the most secret society in the nation. More secret than the CIA, and possibly the NSA. you don’t know about the shit i went through for initiation into this secret club, but know this: next time you see me sitting there on my iBook, and you see a guy with an iPod give me a knowing smile, and you dare to come up and say this shit to my face, you’re going to have two people, not one, kicking the shit out of you.


Go on and hate on my secret society of mac owners if you want, I don’t give a shit, there’s nothing I can techinically do about it, but I think it’s a proven fact that the only reason have for hating on secret clubs is that they don’t know, or are scared to go through what it takes to be apart of it.
For those of you that don’t know, MAC is an active chapter of what is known as the “Skull and Bones” the most secret society in the nation. More secret than the CIA, and possibly the NSA. you don’t know about the shit i went through for initiation into this secret club, but know this: next time you see me sitting there on my iBook, and you see a guy with an iPod give me a knowing smile, and you dare to come up and say this shit to my face, you’re going to have two people, not one, kicking the shit out of you.


I <3 You


I <3 You
