Hey Guys
I Am currently looking for a Turbo Manifold…
i was lookin at some of them but can’t seem to find one for the
98 SR20DET T28 Setup
Also what would be the best company to use for the manifold…i was thinking HKS but they might just be the same as something 5x less the price…
Thx for all the help in advance.
p.s. i did try a search!!!
i got one word for that
im sure he has sr20det manafolds, or he can get them im sure, id pm or ask him, cuz i think his site is still down thanks to those bastard hackers.
just wondering why you’re looking for a turbo manifold for the
98 SR20DET T28 Setup ?
if you want the best get full-race for $1000.
other than that, i think Yashio factory and a couple other companies have manifolds in the $450 - $700 range.
if you are comfortable with the unbranded version, which btw i use without a problem, then you are comfortably under the $200 mark