turn on history channel

good program!!

i’m at work, cliffnotes?

they are talking about the dawn of muscle cars from the manufacturer

pretty cool, old commercials and everything

not all of us can sit at home and wait for parts to come - some of us have to work. :D:D:D

gool look whitey, right now they are talking about the GTO

hahaha… yeah i like it. i think i am going to go downstairs and make something to eat too… and start drinking

agghhhhhhh why am i sitting at work

again my arguement stands

history channel > *

i always wonder where they get all their footage from though?


blah or sit at work order parts and turn on the tv in the offices!!!

and get paid to surf the internet :o

which accounted for 70% of the show

GTO’s rock

prolly old video tape and tv commercials :dunno: