TW: 88 yahmaha 440 standup jetski

ok so i bought this a few weeks ago, needed intake manifold to carb gasket, replaced um, needed a gas cap, replaced it, needed a a battery, got a brand new one, itll turn over finebut wont fire, it ran all last yr, i just ran outta money and i dont even have any way to get it anywhere, or to store it so id rather get money for it. looking for $350 obo

Any pics?

I am looking for a standup, but didn’t really want a project. :gotme:

it’s worth 350 in aftermarket parts alone…

it shouldent be much of a project, just messing around with shit, and even if u end up needing parts, they are all dirt cheap

i forgot to mention, as far as i know it has, a pipe, ride plate, maybe an intake grate? and handlebars, you will need to either reglue down the hydro turf or buy new stuff

ill get pics soon

shitty jameraphone pics…

your welcome. <3

i want a kiss on the mouth when i see you next…

these pics dont do any justice to the real true color of this awesome machine!

jam FTW
no doubt thats worth a kiss

and hey dirty, wheres my $60, and jams $60 lol


BUMP! get this thing out of our garage!!

andy, do you know what it needs to run, i’m interested.

i honestly do not man, sounds like the output shaft bearing needs to be greased (it ha sa grease fitting) and it has no choke so it may be as easy as spraying some ether (sp?) in it to get it running again

You do obviously have the top cover correct?

hes, he does.

man would i love to buy this thing, it looks sweet and ive wanted a skii for soooooooooooo long now, i just cant do it, i need to start saving my money, glws that thing is sweet and im sure it would be a piece of cake to get running

you can see it in the last pic… its sitting behind the ski.




Damn Kicking it oldschool. THat would match the Kawi i just found last week for $200.

440 Squarenose FTW. If i only had a two place trailer.

but it for parts, like newman said, its worth it in aftermarket parts alone, and thne u will also have extra shit laying around
