TW: Dell desktop

ok…i want to buy a new monitor (man i need to stop buying stuff)

would anyone be interested in going in with me on a Dell? i could buy the whole system and part out the monitor for me. then whoever wants the desktop can save a bunch of money and i can save a bunch of money. we can put together any kind of system and then add a monitor, so it is up to you. if we can work it out that would be a win win. anyone?

i might be interested in something.

Possibly interested, do they still have that deal for 600ish with the 24" monitor?

That ends today

well then we may want to hop on it…if anyone is really serious about it shoot me a pm. have a link for that deal?

how much are you gonna throw down for the monitor?

it depends on what the setup looks like and how much it adds.

How much for this monitor?

that is the one from that crazy deal isnt it? well, considering that the computer is pretty much worth the $600, i would meet you in the middle somewhere. $225?

meh, id prob go through with my original plan of ebaying it for 350ish after shipping costs

bump…if anyone is interested let me know asap. if not i will just buy a monitor somewhere

i would do this when i get back from florida in a month, but i sought that will help you now, unless you wanna wait