TW: DSM partout

do you have a coil pack? the one on my talon is broken i guess, so the tack doesnt work

how olds the battery

yes, I do have a coil pack.

the battery is about a year old with maybe 6 months of use on it. optima’s have a 3 year warranty anyway if I’m not mistaken.

how much for the coil pack??

More info on the ssbc ?

any pipping with the front mount?
i need a j pipe for the 16g lmk

I have a j pipe for the 16g and all the fmic piping, as listed before. if you’re interested I could cut a deal for the whole fmic kit.

shoot me an offer I guess

bump. price listed for car w/ everything


do u have the ashtray insert?

interested in the big16g turbo
still have?

yea, I still have it

30$ for the coil pack?

u get my PM Nessuno3400?