ADD. Serious discussion.

well benny you definitely dont have ADD since you were able to make a post that big and stay completely serious

so thats it! have fun with your life

  • 1 for me, i have this exact problem… for me doing technical shit like programming or other small tasks… I do the same shit as you… i’ll do a few and then completely dick off like just take a huge break or surf shift/gom for a while just long enough to blow off the work all together…

what does this do to me? costs me thousands of dollars… per month

let me know what you find out benny because if I find out my laziness isnt laziness and its actually ADD or some shit ill be pissed and on meds straight away, i’de pay millions to get rid of my laziness

the rest of you can laugh all you want, I dont feel too ashamed because i rather take my laziness problem with all of my pluses any day versus the other way around… not lazy but just plain average and dumb