I had my ws6 out yesterday and on rt51 there was a black 911 turbo and a yellow Lamb Diablo. Both drivers looked like rich douchbags…but it was pretty awsome to see 2 supercars on the road.
wow… good story
they probably thought… its cool to see a domestic ride out, must be a low life trailor park trash guy
Ya i know it is lame but it is a bit rare for me to see 2 awsome rides like that. I am sure they were thinking what you said…I truely hate snobs/people who think they are better than you b/c they have money.
it works both ways… you don’t know there history!
its because of the vintage grand prix this weekend… all the baller rides come out, I saw so much cool stuff
was it a pearl orange metallic lambo.
if it was it was at the Grand Prix and dude was a douch.
I said before in my other post and this the paint on those cars made me cry on how many swirl marks and streaks in it.
Ya I just get fired up for seeing cars i love that I dont get to see that often. True I dont know their history…they could have been cool dudes but I just thought they looked like your typical “I think I am better than everyone b/c I have cash” type of people.
money doesn’t impress me… i’m not materialistic…
No it was yellow…but the dude looked like a douche…I am a firm believer that over 50% of people who own cars of that caliper dont buy the car b/c they are car nuts…but they are people who get hung up on status. But it was cool to see some supercars out.
xj220 was out
X80 billion
i said that making fun of you for making this post!!! :doh:
haha…I am impressed with awsome cars…they could cost $10,000 and I would think the same way about cars like that. $$ dont mean shit to me. I just get fired up seeing stuff like that since it is pretty rare for me.
i am owned by blockage through work…
Everyone said the owner of the XJ220 was a really nice guy. I wanted to talk to him just to ask about how he got the car here and stuff, but I didn’t see him around during the worker dinner on saturday night (he parked the car right next to the volunteer tent along with a few older Jags). Still he lent them his car to use in the fake police chase after lunch on sunday so that was cool of him.
I doubt you’ll be able to see these pics either bics but here are some other angles. I think I like this car better than the F40.
was this around 6pm? if so i seen them too
Thats the car from NFS 2 the jag
Porsche 911 Turbo
Still not sick of seeing one everytime i ride past the dealer.
can I ask why people hassle my dad about his car like he put the spoiler on it and stuff it came like how it is from hte factory a 99 3000gt Vr-4
Ya it was in that timerange…yellow lambo and black 011 turbo…right near the tubes on 51 south