Two-Tone (A short film about the cleanest S13 out there)

lol he wants 14k for it.

i feel all artsy now…

rerererepost. too lazy to find proof. Still good video though.

is this canadian?

Old :-/

Yepp! Info under video:
“This car, is one of the first Nissan Silvias imported into Quebec. It’s a Nissan Silvia S13 1989. The owner now had it for 5 years. It’s been his summer car and drift car. Normally, drift cars are all destroyed and have the “drifting style” with zip-ties and destroyed corner panels and are most of the time in a garage because theirs something wrong with it.”

It’s got this feeling of a J Drama. Haha he chose the Silvia over his woman. Haha.

he’s a pretty chill guy, met him at st.e and icar a few times.

I hear ya on that one haha like 2yrs back I believe…

Wasn’t really interested, tbh.