Twomodified4u's Turbo S2000 Build

haha, here you go, just playing with you. The 2jz seems like a potent swap for the s2’s.

I’m done thread jacking for now

Lookin good, can’t wait to see this thing done.

heres a little bit of what it might sound like

and ST4TUS let me help you out with the s2ks on 2 wheels

+1,000 RPM :excited

thats is true so yes the 2.0 at 9k with sound better than the 2.2 at 8k

some more listening p0rn for the OP/others to enjoy before this comes out.

i haz dreams, too :frowning:

^+1,000 RPM

the classic:

How’s the stock drivetrain hold up with more power?

the trannys are good, the rear goes very easy

one of my favorite videos of all time :excited


ok ok not a turbo s2k but the clown in the ending had me rolling

404 Funny Not Found CHRIS


yepppp added to favorites

theres something real weird about this videos

oh yeh traction

yeah you bought the wrong HOOPTY

Word. I really like te s2k’s, especially boosted!

moar bettar

^ :facepalm
ruined the thread.