Twomodified4u's Turbo S2000 Build

The shit that WE ALL DO OR HAVE DONE on the street is [COLOR=“DarkGreen”]MORE DANGEROUS[/COLOR] than this car getting raced down the strip with no cage.


WOT on the street with road hazards (other cars, animals, etc etc etc)=more dangerous that WOT on a prepped, closed surface. I win!

I don’t want to get into the middle of this but don’t you need a cage if your running under a certain time? Don’t you also need a liscense to drag at that speed or something? I’ve never been to a track, just curious

no, you only need a license to compete afaik

Shut up benny you useless ass fuck.



Once again, if you read carefully, I said doesn’t matter if the car is physically capable to complete the task, point is it shouldn’t be allowed to attempt it therfor shouldn’t be a valid “goal” for the project. Regardless of safety, danger, chickens crossing the road, or a wet spot on the track, those points I made about safty, feeling bad about getting hurt, making our insurace rise, making it harder for us to get through tech, etc are side effects from this poor decision making, street or track. I still cant believe someone would drive a car at 150+mph with a fucking stock 3 point restraint! Among other things, that right there is retarded enough.

Rules of the facility are there for follow. Dont be ignorant to those rules and this wouldn’t even be a discussion!

WHY NOT PUT A FUCKING BOLT IN CAGE??? Without the book in front of me, I know 2 plates, one top and one bottom, bolted with IRC 6 X/X" dia bolts are allowed in-lieu of welding plates to the car. What I dont remember is if you hit a et class/build spec where thats no longer an option.

EDIT. The thing doesnt have a freakin roof! it would be a few hour task to remove it from the car for the 99% of its lifetime being on the street, if its legal to do.

Yes and yes. But what they want to do is sneak the car through tech, and/or attend a shady facility to run and get a time slip. More or less cheat it and take advantage of situations.

Insurance is worth dick on the track . None for ya homeboy

I am not talking about your Gieco homie! :rofl

If you think otherwise you are a complete moron.

no doubt. but it only takes one mishap to change the way you conduct yourself on either mediums… if you are lucky enough to have a second chance.

Awesome build man. I vote u just install extra airbags. Lighter than steel and I saw a dummy get hit buy one on mythbusters once. Not even any matter came out of the dummy! Anyways keep it up man look forward to seeing how the new treats work out!

Was that what you were going to do with your road race cage that didn’t follow nhra guidelines?

Short and sweet. A this isnt about my car, and I have yet to even finish it. B. You havnt physically seen, measured or inspected the cage. C. If/when it fails out comes the sawzall. D. how does that comment even remain on topic here, let alone remediate the issues on hand here?

I see where you are trying to go. I will save you the trouble.

No, I have not been on the track personally yet. No I havnt had any of my work certified yet by said track. That doesn’t change the fact that I can read English text typed in an NHRA rule book and see that like my car apparently, you dont stand a chance of running that car up and down the track every day any day. Difference being, I have the ability, means and forethought to even attempt to follow the rules, that of which if I fail to meet with the jetta in its current shape will just be redone, not neglected.

I am done with the ignorance and childish banter. Drive the car, wreck the car, get kicked out, get kids to think you are the coolest driver ever… what ever you want to do. People that should respect you, wont, take it for what it is.

There is no way you looked at the rules or attempted to follow them in any way because you would need to rip the entire cage out. I can tell from the pictures no need to look at it.

just stop , dont worry about it. This car will not get any passes in any NHRA track. Might get one at LVD but at Etown they would say Get the Fu** out!!

What he said ^

Most tech guys arent that stupid. I understand why you dont want a cage. Same reasons Ray hasn’t put one in the Supra for years now. Just ask him how many runs hes gotten before they kick him out. It all depends on what you wanna do with the car i guess.