TX2K10 Turbo GMC Sierra vs Procharged C6 ZO6

A bit different, watch in HD. Pretty dope.

Nice! That parking garage is clutch!

I like that camera view. I’m kinda tired of seeing the shaky window view.

Nice video.

Great vid. That pickup does werk!

Nothing like doing 185mph and then getting busted for an unsafe lane change

Sick angle for the vid. Truck looks like it moves pretty good.

Haha thats siiiick! We should start hangin out at the sch’dy parking garage, thats actually a nice setup!

Benny would kick us out!

Id roll benny down 13 levels of garage :lmao

I’ll bring camera.

sick vid

i second that


and how many FUCKing times have I told you motherfuckers we can have meets here as long as none of you fucking morons does burnouts and shit.

and if you do, no sweat off my back, we have cameras and a close relationship with the PD, not to mention there’s only one way out.

and if you disrespected me and my place of work by being excessively loud in any way, I would not hesitate to call the cops no matter who you are or how I know you.

soooo lets do it then?

im game for the schenectady garage…that truck does workkkk and doesnt like getting traction lol

Big fuck that on going 180 plus in that truck…

So we can drift the parking garage Benny?

Srs, it would be nice to plan on going there a couple fri/sat nights and chilling with the respectable crew. Benny can kick out PR’s at the gate, win win!

oh wow. truck is insane

No one is going anywhere but the lot, to hang with the lot-tards, relax everyone.

Schen lot it is.