Typical Camaro. Broke Down.

Slow car?
Wanna race my white one?

so im racing a broken camaro? i jumped in this thread late with the intention of causing a ruckus

i’ll race you in the tdi buts about 4 seconds faster then 19 seconds.

2000$ and ill give you 5 lengths

ill give you that same race brett :lol

DURDURDURDUR. its broke at the moment. wanna visit him, hes working on his busted powersteering pump, you can check out his camaor

cars put away, cant do it, you lose.

and if i had DR’s atleast id do it. maybe 100 bucks for that, since it would be close, paul id rob him.

ill pull it back out for 2Gs lol…legal or not

if i had some rubber.

Might be too much for me then.

If I had $2000 Id probably have my Mustang all fixed. I dont have that kind of baller money. Maybe I should quit my job and collect fat unemployment checks.

Ive got two 15" DR’s you can borrow

they are only a fraction of what you make, so in turn you would be much less baller…

you dont know what youre talking about, so you shoudl refrain from saying anything that has to do with that.

I dont think I can get much less baller than now.

what are the dimensions

not vw compatable lol

Youre the one always saying youre unemployed


wheels might not be but maybe the tires are?

what i do doesnt really concern 98% of this forum. i say things around you guys… adam, paulie you, etc. not the general public. and i wont go into why i dont work because its really not anyones business, but its more than what ya’ll think.

tires could work. 225/60/15s… i could work something out with those. kind of late for mounting though, this weekend is a loss as well.