UB Formula SAE site up

We finally got our site up. Updates on the new car will pop up when we get them designed. If anyone in UB is intersted in working with us, our contact information is there. Imran. You never got back to me with your info.


Rob Woods

link plz?


that’s really nice!

You SAE guys are some crazy mofo’s. I wish I had gotten into it when I was in school. Joined my freshman year but didn’t have time to be an active member. Goddam honor’s program and alcohol…

When it’s done I’d pay money to see it roll into taffy’s or mighty…

:tup: Check your PMs Rob.

Just show up to any WNY-SCCA autocross event. If the car is working, they usually bring it out to get seat time and do some testing.

that would be sweet if you could make a showwing one night

Thanks for the memories!

Soon as we getting it running correctly. Long story but it has been fucked for like 3 years. As soon as we get some of the mechanical bugs worked out Mike@innovative will get it right again.