UFC 61 tomorrow!

I can’t wait woo hoo. Arlovski vs Silvia #3 and Tito Ortiz vs Ken Shamrock #2! Arlovski better win or I’m gonna go and beat him up myself.

No shit. Arlovski is the shit. I hope he kicks Silvia’s ass.

And Shamrock is cool, but too old. I think Tito is going to be all over him again.

Anyone else good fighting? Is Hughes fighting?

Goddamit… Silvia won again.

who won between shamrock and tito

What??? Silvia won again? Fuck. How bad?

tito won, the fight was called to a stop after numerous undefended elbows to the head of shamrock. shamrock could have taken more though that was a bullshit call on the refs part.

and the arlovski sylvia fight was BORING they just poked at each other the whole god damn time, i was waiting for this awsome fight this whole week and then it was shitty
defintly one of the shittiest UFC events i’ve seen, cept for the guy that bled all over the octagon.

I didn’t see the fight… but I read about it on ufc.com. Arlovski’s first fight beatdown cancels out Silvias wins… Especially since Arlovski almost got him with the same shit in the 2nd fight.