UFC 84

Dana’s a fucking suit and a dickhead pay the fucking fighters who are paying your checks, you cant pull that 30mil for PPV without big name fighters these guys gotta relize that


If you are good you get paid. Some of the old fighters want to get paid for what they did 10 years ago. They sound like the NFL retired players.

Chris Leben just signed for $25k to fight and $25k to win. He isn’t a huge name but win 2 fights a year and sign a couple endorsement deals and you can make a great living.

and how much are main ticket boxers getting per fight? they bring in around the same money and make alot more.

there was an interview after the event where tito told reporters how jardine got 10k for that fight and ended up in the hospital how does that seem right thats not enought to pay his medical bills.

Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t there only 1 headline fight and 1 or 2 undercards in boxing.

  • B.J. Penn ($250,000) def. Sean Sherk ($35,000)
  • Wanderlei Silva ($150,000) def. Keith Jardine ($10,000)
  • Goran Reljic ($6,000) def. Wilson Gouveia ($18,000)
  • Lyoto Machida ($100,000) def. Tito Ortiz ($210,000)
  • Thiago Silva ($50,000) def. Antonio Mendes ($4,000)
  • Rousimar Palhares ($10,000) def. Ivan Salaverry ($20,000)
  • Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou ($80,000) def. Kazuhiro Nakamura ($20,00O)
  • Rich Clementi ($40,000) def. Terry Etim ($10,000)
  • Yoshiyuki Yoshida ($12,000) def. Jon Koppenhaver ($8,000)
  • Dong Hyun Kim ($40,000) def. Jason Tan ($3000)
  • Shane Carwin ($12,000) def. Christian Wellisch ($10,000)

Wanderlei Silva: $225,000 ($150,000 to show*, $75,000 for Knockout of the Night)
Wilson Gouveia: $93,000 ($18,000 to show, $75,000 for Fight of the Night)
Rousimar Palhares: $85,000 ($5,000 to show, $5,000 to win, $75,000 for Submission of the Night)
Goran Reljic: $81,000 ($3,000 to show, $3,000 to win, $75,000 for Fight of the Night)

Paying out $1.3 million is not shabby

If you don’t like the contract don’t sign it

“Btw als1978, in US to employ a person without providing worker’s compensation is illegal. If you only knew the price of medical bills in US, it would be clear to you that it makes no sense to be a fighter without workers compensation. The medical bills of a fighter are astronomical.
UFC provides workers compensation, consequently, all the medical bills incurred as a result of work (e.i the fight), are covered as well as all the possible follow ups or complications that might develop from the original condition.
So before exposing an information, it is prudent to make sure it is reliable one. There are a lot of frustrated fans on the net that are quick to jump on information that might fit their preconceived idea, no matter how reliable it is. Many of them really don’t care to know if it is reliable or not as long as it fits their view of Dana treating the fighters unjustly. And while that might be true, the supporting information can still be incorrect.”


Another great article:


Live Gate Sales (United States)

  1. Boxing’s Biggest Event of 2006: $7,636,000 (De la Hoya vs. Mayorga)
  2. MMA’s Biggest Event of 2006: $5,397,300 (UFC 66)
  3. Pro Wrestling’s Biggest Event of 2006: $2,500,000 (WWE WrestleMania)

Pay-Per-View Revenue (United States)

  1. MMA’s Biggest Event of 2006: $47.94 million (UFC 66, according to Zuffa’s publicly stated projections)
  2. Boxing’s Biggest Event of 2006: $46.20 million (De la Hoya vs. Mayorga)
  3. Pro Wrestling’s Biggest Event of 2006: $31.77 million (WWE WrestleMania, according to WWE’s latest claimed figures)

I think another reason UFC may not have the same kind of money they pay fighters is advertising revenue. Boxing has been on ESPN and HBO for years with big corporate advertising. Harley and Bud Light just got into UFC.

when you make 40mil in PPV id expect fighters to get a little more. yeah theres only 3-4 fights a night in boxing but the headliners make 2-3 times what the UFC pays out for there whole lineup put together. Dana makes sure anyone who complains doesnt fight or gets clowned on where in boxing promoters like don king make sure fighters get what they are worth. Also in boxing you can get sponsors and make money off that Dana wont let anyone advertise unless he gives the ok. If a guy is making 30k fighting for you helping make your event let him advertise what he wants to pad his check its not costing the UFC anything and fighters would be happier.
I guess im still a union guy at heart and feel if someone is making that kind of money off of you, you should get fair pay. If they were making 3-5mil an event then id say fuck it they are getting plenty of money, but when your paying out 1.3 mil on an event where you made 50mil get real

UFC has to promote itself… thus making that 40 mil look much smaller

boxers make those huge paydays because of all the independent promoters and marketers

Dana screens the advertising?
He lets them advertise condoms and malt liquor, so what is he screening?
EliteXC won’t let Reality Kings advertise on Kimbo for his next fight is that wrong?

I agree that boxers make more, but since Dana bought the UFC the money has increased to the fighters and I am sure it will continue. Want more money, don’t sign 10 fight deals. If someone is willing to pay you more to do what you do, go there. UFC is not the only MMA place to fight.

well, since this seems to be the mma thread huge night coming up this saturday.

Kimbo brings mma to network tv on cbs


Should be an awesome fight for the wec featherweight title between Faber and Pulver. Faber is amazing to watch but Pulver is definitely his biggest opponent yet.

Tito signed a big deal with Miller lite guess what happened Dana told him no advertising. The people that are allowed to advertise all need permission from Dana and i bet hes getting a nice chunk.

Id like to see some sort of profit sharing, if they made some sort of deal where a percentage of total take for an event goes to the men fighting in that event it doesnt have to be 50% but im sure if even 25% went back to the fighters youd see quality of events go up, youd have alot more big names so much training goes into a fight for months these guys work and train for a fight and they get paid shit for the actuall fight. If a MMA company came out with a profit sharing sort of contract youd see everyone go there. Its not like these guys are getting there training facilities and equipment and trainers paid for that all comes from the fighters as far as i know if im wrong correct me.

well when your main advertising is Bud Light that would be a conflict.
And again if you don’t like your contract don’t sign it. I am sure there is a portion on advertisements.
As a union guy you should understand that.

thats the problem though these guys have families to feed and staff to pay they pretty much are made to sign the contract or get black balled thats not right, they need to stick together on the issue. Im assuming part of the issue is all the foreign fighters that think 30k is alot of money it makes it hard for someone to ask for more money knowing as soon as you do the pres is gonna give you one fight a year against opponents that are gonna make you look stupid, because theres some guy from another country whose family grew up making 10 dollars a week and will get himself beaten half to death for nothing. I just think some sort of reform needs to happen if not for the fighters for the viewers i honestly think if the fighters got better money there would be better matchups and much more interesting fights.

Fighters used to do this as a side job. My roommate in college had Rich Franklin as a teacher in HS. I disagree with the make money fight better comment. If Tito made a million rather than 200k. Or are you referring to people who make 10k? If so that’s like saying someone in the NFL making league minimum would play like LT if paid like LT. It is a free market economy if someone is willing to pay more to see this person fight they can leave and get a better contract. But I disagree with the idea of paying someone more than they are worth just because.
I also love the “stick together” and foreigners coming in and stealing jobs comment after the union reference.
I know we will not agree on this, but the alternative for these fighters is obviously worse than what they are doing or they wouldn’t be doing it (I’m a finance guy with a minor in economics and you are a pro union guy, we are not going to see eye to eye on many things). Remember Jon Koppenhaver aka War Machine, he was crying on the show because he didn’t know how to do anything else.