Yep…me and my buddy went midnight bowling…and he left the lanes at 3am…with the top down in his Miata. haha
Oh Snap. Sounds like I aught to wash the beast AGAIN, and throw another coat of wax on it. I washed it last night…but it poured on the way to work this morning.
looks like it’ll be decent tonight. hope to see/meet some of you guys.
look for the Tank of Justice II. you cannot miss it.
I’m down for a mighty meet tonight.
If the rain holds out i’ll show up.
let me say… maybe
ill be there
meeting rich around 9
I may be a bit late. Gonna try for 8:30pm.
k. ill be leaving in a bit. around 830 sounds great.
I’ll be rollin’ up with Somedude…provided his tranny doesn’t grenade.
Tonight I found out that 4000lbs of family sized - full framed goodness with completely bald Goodyear LS’s, can actually take the xxxx on-ramp at 50mph without skidding off the ramp and me dying.
Epic event - Looked behind me and I just saw a huge cloud of smoke with a tank rolling out of it very very loosely :lol:
Looking forward to another top down fun run, not looking forward to getting kicked out of mighty again because some of us happen to not be eating :picard:
Oh come on, that thing barely understeered at all…it just had ALOT of body roll
I never said a word about understeer - it was all about the oversteer lol
It didn’t do that either. lol FAIL
I definitely saw the rear out
Call me a noob, but, what day/nights does this happen?
whenever people post up and go really. but nobody really goes anymore, a lot more people go to southgate
cause southgates lame.
is this the same white '90 SHO i took a ride in and almost shit my pants?
btw im new here, know a few people, so whens the next mighty meet goin down? id like to hang out with some people from here, get to know everyone.