**Un-Official**2009 SG Meet thread

mike, you spelled it wrong

its this:


honda vtec motors usually burn a little bit of oil, but that’s bseries

anyone going up there tonight?

I think Goff and I will be heading up, either on the bikes or in his bimmer

i’ll be up in the :snky:

theres nothing snky about SG :mamoru:

i may, depends on the weather

i plan on being there if the rain hold out

F it, anyone want some?

Pulls tonite?

damn havent posted on here in like 2 days and its million pages longer…haha…sounds like i might be poppin up tonight in the :snky:

if you do i call shotgun:nerd:

so ne1 goin up???

isn’t it raining? or did it stop

idk, streets do look moist now that i looked outside…

Ahh , bringin zee hemi.

so is anyone going, or is it “cancelled”

its fucking pouring, ill be there!

lol, the 3 miles between my house and your house must be a big difference

haha its pouring here, go on aim you nigger.