**Un-Official**2009 SG Meet thread

hey just jumped on the forum for the first time in like a year…wish i woulda known yesturday about this. maybe next time. ps does anyone actually still go to BBW? and you SG guys still up there even in winter?(I had swang in a couple times with my bike over summer)

so whens the next meet?


id go, but i only have 3 dollars lol

anyone goin?

thats a small fry dood do it up

exactally what teds is it on transit?

ummm wtf are you talking about?
talkin about the one by 5 corners

ok so is any 1 goin?

dont know, tried textin people, no one answered

lol its all ready 12:44 i doubt this is gunna work

too be all honest i havent even showered yet lol

someone txt me when this is going down.

i lost ur number somehow and we dnt kno whats goin on its a huge cluster fuck

i thought it was teds on transit as well, i didnt even know there was one at 5corners?

yea same here i dident kno about it untill my mom described it and i doubt any 1 is goin fyi

lol i just woke up!!! If anyone wants to do anything before the giant Arizona gang bang lmk.

dam u jim matt and I were just at tim hoes bc every 1 elese ditchedd lol

ugh sorries! I was helping turbols1 til late last night, and my friend from Ithaca is in town, so not much sleep for me last night… This week we will have to do applebees again, the 1/2 price appetizers rule. But for now, its time to watch my Steelers gang bang the cardinals :slight_smile:

im game :tup: