i think i might attend sg tonight… who is in?
me, sansone, my cousin, iank, remington are all in for tonight :tup:
Anyone going up tonight ?
i would be down, havent been up in a few days
you were totally there on wednesday jim lol
I got there when everyone was gone! Although i did get to see Ms. Angry thats always a treat.
so tonight?
hells yea, ill be there
i am not trollen!
whos goin out tonight?
Anyone heading up tonight?
i will
i will
im in
jt do you still have those headers?
yes, want me to bring them by tonight?
im in
sorry i went up to no frills… next time you go let me know via pm or i sent u a message with my phone number
What time do people usually show up? I and a few other supra buddies might stop by.