*UN-OFFICIAL* 2009 Shredd and Ragan Cruise Nights at Dunn Tire Raceway Park

Hey, I’m just a part of it. It’s the radio station and the track. I’m their “information guy”

As for TO, hell yea. Going on Saturday March 15. You in? There’s a bunch of us this time.

It took a couple weeks before i realized there was shit in the oval. Joe kept tellin me there was but i didnt beleive him till he made me walk over there

i live near the summit. i didnt even go then cuz of all the rice. i also didnt go because i hate people giving me shit for driving a saturn. no one, to me, has an open mind around here. maybe i’ll go to one of these this year, but it will probably be a waste of time.

i just want it to only consist of people who know what they are doing with their cars, not people who buy shit cuz they think it looks cool.

Sat is the 14th… that day? Trying to be home that weekend fo sho :tup:

Any chance of better (any) track prep this year??? I know it slows things down, but when you have sport bikes and some cars running low 7s and high 6s, safety should be a concern.

I say get rid of the quad runs. They suck anyway. That’ll give some time to prep the track.

hey fat peice of shit (newman) i dont go to the show to park there, i go to see what is out there and watch some kind of racing on the 1/8th track. so next time you open your mouth other that feeding it with food shut the hell up!!! and oooh i am all mighty i drive a exige wow over compensating on something?

I do eat all the time!!! Sorry you don’t have a nice car. :frowning:

I’ll probably be at the first cruise night, so come say hi! I’ll be the fat guy with the nice car.:nohomo:

:lol: :picard: NewmanKarter

HAHA newman, the fat guy? :lol:

I’d like to see them broaden the “car week” to including Mitsubishi Night, or Toyota Night, etc.

When you do Chevy night, you have a lot of different years and models to fill a night. If they do Toyota or Mitsubishi night, your not going to get many “special” cars to make it worth a separate night.

Yea a single non honda Import night would satisfy me enough.

Well, there are nice vintage and/or significant Mitsubishi, Nissan, Toyota, and Mazda cars running around WNY…it would be a great opportunity to see them show up. I’d like to see Starions/Conquests (i know id bring a couple), and RX-7’s, Miatas, Supras, and of course…the original Japanese sports car…the Z make a representation on there given night.

I believe you, but do you think there would be enough of them making the trip up there to justify their own night? That’s why they group them because honestly you don’t get a huge group of just one brand or model.

For example, how many Nissan Z cars would you get?

Actually, you’d probably get a decent turn out of Z’s. Out of the entire japenese family, I’d bet the Z’s would make the biggest presence.

i might go to more of these just to chill after a day of work… hell i’d go right from work

lol, newman you fatty.

(btw, i want to go back to that sub joint in lancaster we went a couple years ago. that was mmm mmm good)


I feel like the “rice” may start to really filter itself out of the system as time goes on. Maybe not this year but as the years go buy, I definitely see less on the roads. Unfortunately, there was so much there last year.

last year at the rochester street machines Nissan z club of rochester took biggest club participation, I beleive with 30 cars…Contact them and make a night for them…Really have a nice selection of cars instead of ford chevy night.


Having them plus what is local and you might be able to have their own night. Not into teh z’s but have to say many were done in good taste.

i know its not all that accepted around here as this is a speed forum but we should be back this year doing bass race

actually really fun to do and any system can be competitive from the walmart prefab boxes to the high-end walls with multi batt and subs

our overall winner last year had 1 12" kicker comp vr and 500 watts retail $ was around 3-500$
oh and he was a canadian
hope an american or a local can take him out this year (yea thats a challenge )

and as always we have a cash$$$$ prize for 4-5 guys a night>>>> dont get that drag racing !
prizes for the loudest pipe on the bikes one class for the rockets and one for the harleys
and maybe one for the cars