underboosted's Banana civic

well do i get it by frank seniority or shift seniority cause chris may have more shift seniority but i definitely have more frank seniority :thumbup

so if it go’es by frank seniority i get mine first



Your a jackass :hug .

i lovu U 2 FRANK:banana:thumbup

haha :thumbup

I can haz ride in banana?

Sure. I give people rides in it.It’s just usually I pull into “the lot” after I get out of work so I get there around midnight,By then I have to park in PR land and I’m getting haslled by them before I even get out of the car like last week.When you have to deal with dumb fucks like that i don’t even feel like being there.Some people are just very stupid.

Yeah man I hear you, I’ve been going pretty late the past couple weeks and I just either make a parking spot in the top lot, or now I’ve found that Starbucks(to the right as you come in the main entrance off Central) has quite a bit of parking space.

Ill take you for a ride in the integra if you want to see how the 4088r feels. Just need some damn padding so my passengers don’t have head trama

Is that thing finally done?

Does that place really get that crazy? The only times I have been there, thers like 10-15 cars. Of course I havent come out there in like 2 years, just cause it was almost an hour drive. But staying with my Dad, livin it up in the ghetto, I have pulled through there the last few nights, only like 10pm, so probaly too early.

yeah you’re going on the week nights when mostly tools go and hang out.

Friday and Saturday nights have been pretty big the past few weeks for sure.

peaks around 11PM on fri/sat nights, i’d say, then the posers leave and the real cars take their places :lol

Just don’t go on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

Almost done, yes. Cage is being finished, traction bar is here just need harness’ and then some odds and ends

Yeah I am def hitting it up Fri and/or Sat, just gotta wait for the kid to fall asleep. HAHA you said TOOLS, like the guy in that white/blue stripes Mustang

Gonna be sick! Can’t wait to see it out again.


lol jeez, about time

yes, the “pitbulz” mustang is one of the tools :lol

Me either. This time with an actual alignment and more safety woohoo

woof woof