underboosted's Banana civic

Since when was Shift518 a dating service, and why Frank’s thread?:rofl

since leo brought up the hot cousin :Idiots:lol

Doesn’t seem to be working…:ahh

High school bitches and their attitudes FTL

annoying and butt UGLY

Oh fuck you too, I may be purposeful in the annoying aspect, but I can assure you I am not ugly. :lol Goofy looking, maybe, but by traditional standards I am far from “ugly.”

Are you sure you have the right Chris, Sam?

If so, this is bull SHIT

And now back to your regularly scheduled programming. :Idiots

Frank, I want a ride in this thing. Going from the lower lot to the upper lot does NOT count. :lol

thats a longer ride then ive gotten in it :wtf

so back to sam’s cousin…errr Frank’s hatch :rofl

4088r or bust!

so whats faster

white four door K20


yellow hatch b-series on 15 pounds of boost?


Dunno, I don’t race :number1


Sorry I don’t have an ALERO.HAHAHAHA.


nahhh dude just scope out a chepa 3076! or maybe a non-BB 60-1?

HAHA!! :rofl

will somebody call bullshit on this ^

what about me? :wtf



You’ll get yours