underboosted's Banana civic


Thank you. Now I will let you live

God damn, you get pics up and can’t even resize them for the site. This is BS! LOL


Not reclinable FTL…

Better than yours FTW. You guys were on my ass to get pics and now you don’t even look at them.

agreed, its fucking ridicules, how u start a build thread and people just want more and more, i dont know why people cant wait to just see it in person, this is the reason i dont do a build thread on my truck. lock 1, lock 2, lock 3… HOW FUCKING GAY :retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:Idiots:Idiots

and dont be hatein the tenzos, altho the one u just picked up are pretty sick:thumbup

I guess, but anything is better then those damn EK seats. But mine also cost me only $50 :wink:

you’re getting a kick in the nuts next time i see you.

ill take it like a man :thumbup

this is true

:gay :gay2 :sHa_hehe:


frank lemme know when u wanna bring this to synapse… the trailer is awaiting ur phone call lol


LISTEN KRAMER, im not gonna let u fondal them ok :down:down

Personaly like fixed backs myself…

Ive seen some photos of adjustable seats failing dont really care for them… plus thos corbeaus are fuckin comfy


its sexy

Nicked named “The grap fruit shooter”…