underboosted's Banana civic



REALLY ! :thumbup:thumbup

Just started the car for the first time in over a month!!!

still gonna be slowww


It’ll never be as fast as the old silverado.

I hate you. I miss that truck.

wow we were just talkin about that truck last night too, that fucked up eric

do u still need me to tow this pile up there? i know its not gonna be this week now

Driving it.

yeah im sure a few things got pushed back a week or two

Yup. I can’t belive it.

Yeah, sucks for them. That is really really huge. Hope they find those scumbags!

^me too! i hate ppl like that theres no reason for it!^

Buncha scumm bags.I deleted all my build info because I have A felling people are logging in as geusts during the night, and lookin at peoples info to see what they have in there cars. I’ve been watching the number of guests on here every night between 12am and 3am.

This is a sad world we live in

I was excited as fuck to get it tuned wensday. FUCKING JERKS!!!

Yea I was up there today and it was just shitty

Yea stallmer was telling me earlier.