Unique 240 driver!

naw man LOL, it wassint Initial D.

This guy does pro. drifting, and was driving down an industrial road with his buddy. He stretched his legs a bit (there was nobody around) to show him what his motor could do, then his lsd went out of wack and made his car fishtail, causing him to swerve to the right. But just then, some random car pulled out of a factory, so he made the choice of counter steering to avoid the car (and hitting his passenger) and smashed the drivers side into a hydro poll.

His car was omgbbq wrecked. Paramedics had to use the jaws of life on that bad boy. But yea, he recoverd 8 months later, but has a puncture in his bladder so it hurts to tinkle. Aswell as a metal plate on his pelvis, and parts of his spine fractured.

Now he plans to get back into drifting.

If I could find the story, it would make more sense then my bs review.

It was a build thread IIRC. I’ll post the link when I find it.