unix fun?

I got yelled at at work :frowning:

apparently they are not fans of putting ‘screen’ in someone’s .cshrc then it made me think about other fun entries into someone’s .cshrc

rm -Rf *
banner you are gay

anyone know what I’m talking about?

no and im sure nobody cares :stuck_out_tongue:

someone would have to be dumb enough to leave a shell open and leave their desk

windows key + L ftw

Oh man. :lol: Wooh! That’s a good one. :rofl:

Almost as good as that IM convo where the one guy got the dumbass to unwittingly format himself typing format c: into a command line.

Yeah I have no idea what you did there.

alt + left shift + print screen is 100x better than winders + L

lame attempt at being a huge nerd :frowning:

cat /dev/urandom


never used it, lemme try that

cat /* is much more fun

while (1) echo “…” >> /dev/lpt1

or something to that effect

Haha I’m afraid to try it. Knowing these geeks it’s probably some secret 3 finger salute that turns your OS kernel into a popcorn kernel. :drama2:

google it fry :slight_smile: