US Banks to Freeze Current Foreclosures - 2/14 update

right, if it dips below 4.9, i will be all over it like white on rice. not yet “too soon, junior!”

on my mortgage, it would only be ~$200 dollar step up in payment per month. just enticing to step into such a low rate, lock in, and know that on my largest debt, i would more than likely never be able to borrow at such a low rate again.

Your research hasn’t covered this yet?

how can I know his equity and other personal information? I’m not KGB lol…

Has anybody refinanced recently? Id be curious to see if its hard to get a refi with the current lending scare and if loss of equity value has a big impact.

in WNY it should be easy since houses here have not fallen in value so that doesn’t apply to you.