Utility Providers in West Mifflin

I’m doing some research on a home in W. Mifflin and was wondering if anyone who lives in the area can tell me who their providers are for:



what side of west mifflin.

I live by the airport, i’ll post up when I get home.

The river side between the Mansfield Bridge and McKeesport Duquesne Bridge.

I’m pretty sure that’s Duquesne Light for Electric

Equitable Gas
Duquesne Light
Pennsylvania American Water/West Mifflin Sewage Authority

that part of duquesne light sucks. i lived over near that part of wmiff. lost power about 3-4 times a year.

equitable gas, duquesne light. I never had any issues with either one. Mac, if youd pay your damn bills, you wouldnt have any issues :slight_smile: :slight_smile: