Anyone have a vag-com for MKIV? I have an 02 Jetta I need to get into… Need to clear an airbag light, find out what wheel sensor is causing my ABS light to come on, and want to program the window roll up/down feature to work off my key fob.
Holler at me.
PS- I’m not paying you a dime. 
you own a VW. should buy one. i got sick of trying to find one to use and bought one, best tool i own.
I’m not a hardcore VW guy, other than the 3 things I need to do, I don’t have a use for it. :-/
im not going to be around, otherwise i could help ya
Let me know, I’m not in a rush, just sick of my cluster looking like a christmas tree. lol
pretty sure their not cheap either
I thought they were <$20… My cousin had one for his Audi, he paid somewhere around $14.99 for the cable and grabbed the software off TPB.
nah not that much, you just need the KII-USB, like 220
if you want a bootleg version that cant do everything,sure.
What would it be missing? Serious question as I don’t know much about VW stuff. I assumed Jim wasn’t looking for a full featured unit, therefore the bootleg stuff sounds perfect for him.
the bootleg ones arent unlocked, alot of the scan functions arent accessible. you can pay ross-tech 100 or 150$ for a license(limited to that comuter) to make it legitimate. some problems with the bootleg cables are they just plan dont work on some models… i paid like 220 for my Key-USB, and the cable has the licensing built in, all you need to do is download the program for whatever laptop you choose.