valetines day

quilk slowtie and me got blayner up the driveway that the tow truck couldnt…wish you guys could of seen us falling down the hill

I worked my ass off for Valentine’s, thats what I did

I worked my ass off for Valentine’s, thats what I did

X2… 12 hours straight, left the restaurant at 1:00AM with $130 in my pocket, only to be there at 10:30 this morning… :frowning:

Originally posted by huskysgrl
X2… 12 hours straight, left the restaurant at 1:00AM with $130 in my pocket, only to be there at 10:30 this morning… :frowning:
:crying: :crying: :slight_smile:

my friend works at tramps, in the west end, she makes that on a 8 hour shift!! send a pic. ez

Originally posted by et10sec
my friend works at tramps, in the west end, she makes that on a 8 hour shift!! send a pic. ez

Umm she is not a stripper and won’t be either thanks. :wtcslap:

Umm she is not a stripper and won’t be either thanks.

X2… I’ve got enough old bald men hanging on me… coughpewtersscough


its not a strip bar!! its a sports bar in the west end! sorry!! tons of food!! (wings burgers salads) i would never think of it!! ask pewterss!! ez

wow, the name sure sounds like a strip club… lol

gee thats wear the next meet is than!!!to get a pill for her new job!!!:wink:

I made $120 waitressing on a 5 hour shift yesterday

Originally posted by SillaAnn23
I made $120 waitressing on a 5 hour shift yesterday

Ground Round in Mt Lebanon

Damn! If only I lived closer to Mount Lebanon…

It aint always like that…yesterday was just a good day.

that’s cause it was valentines day, but I had to bust my ass for 12 hours to get $130… and I had to tip-out $20!

Where do you work? We never have to tip out anyone, we have no bussers and no barbacks

Lone Star… we have to tip out 2% of our total sales. 1% to the hosts, 1% to the bar.


LESS CLOTHING =$$$$$$$$$$IN TIPS!!!:wink: