valetines day

Aint that the fucking truth

how about we start up a choke and puke called the PittSpeed Grill and have all of the ladies from the site serving the food topless?:smiley:

That would be a great income for some extra mod money for us guys:cool:


Does that mean you would’ve tipped me $100 if had been wearing less?


Originally posted by huskysgrl
Does that mean you would’ve tipped me $100 if had been wearing less?


I would work topless for more money…

Originally posted by SillaAnn23
I would work topless for more money…
post it up ,then i see if i want to open one up!!!:smiley:

yeah…nice try

not me… I’d have to get my boobs fixed first… they might get in the food!



:frowning: :frowning:

Originally posted by huskysgrl
not me… I’d have to get my boobs fixed first… they might get in the food!


We will charge thenm extra for that kinda service:D :cool: :eek:

Originally posted by huskysgrl
that’s cause it was valentines day, but I had to bust my ass for 12 hours to get $130… and I had to tip-out $20!


I walked with $260 before on a 7 hr shift… after tipping out ~ $80


where the fuck do you work?

Ocean city

I wish I lived in Ocean City

Originally posted by SillaAnn23
I wish I lived in Ocean City

meh, its not that great… all the fun stuff happens in the summer, but you have to bust your ass and work like 60hrs in the summer, then winter comes, you have no hours, and nothing to do…

but it is fucking beautiful down here, and the money is pretty good…

I would just like to be on any beach right now…i hate this weather

thats the view from my backyard… that canal leads right out to the bay, which is a 15 min boatride to the atlantic ocean.


now if we only had a boat… :frowning:

do you live there all year?

fat guys float well…theres your boat