if jake went to work today

i give him mad props!!! the kid could barely stand last night…

also jakes bitches are ugly… well some of them. and the ones that are decent all think i am a disgusting typical guy… i love it

im at work right now :smiley:

i still feel drunk… how the fuck did you do it

i woke up at 6am this morning and was all dis oriented and what not… i thought it was time to go to kennywood so i started getting ready…

oh boy vaporizer owns

i had my alarm set for 6:30, it went off i hit the snooze and decided to sleep in some. I must have eventually just turned the alarm completly off. After being late for work 2 days in 2 weeks, i have like trained myself to make sure i get up. I was completly passed out and woke up at 7:20. I need to leave to catch my bus no later than 7:30. So in the matter of 10 minutes i threw on some clothes, grabbed my computer, threw on some cologne (i probably still smell like alcohol) and made it to work on time

hahahah thats classic… i need food before i take on the rides of kennywood

you got to admit too, those bitches were sour last night

i have a big ass black and blue mark on my arm. I think its from when you hit me. I look like i have parents that beat me

oh yeah… you deserved it pussy

oh definatly… it’s the summer time, i have to take what i can get. Although i kinda think vedrana (the one who was sitting on my lap) was kind of cute :o

and i can still taste garlic in my mouth from those fries and wings last night

yeah she was all right… i prefer to call her vagina


oh and
vaporizer > .

did you punch me in the chest too? My chest hurts

I think i should go to Children and Youth Services and say that my [our] parents beat me


i dont have aim at work, they block that port [i think 4490 or something] :hs:

i wish i coulda been there, sounds like i missed a good time

this was after fatheads

you found a bitch named after a font?

ahhh alright.

you’re thinking of ver-an-da this is ver-dra-na

actually the font is ver-dan-a