i’ve gambled my ass off, lost just about everything i brought, and got back up 500 bux last night! sema show was a blast, i’ll give any of our pics to whitey when we get back so you guys can check it out. picked up a crank pulley for my rb26 on a cash and carry deal for about 1/2 price. all in all good times…
sweet make sure u bring a truck load of new LS1 or gen III GM stuff back for me and pewter
that’s pimp…
as long as your havin fun. sounds like a good time
bunny ranch?
I love vegas! Came home three weeks ago w/ more money in my purse than I started with (well gambling money). Pics? Glad you had a great time! Vegas >*
Kickin strippers out, losin’ a buttload of money gambling, SEMA show, and MMMMMMM Sapphire strip club… mmmmmmmmmm Jamie Jordan mmmmmmmmm, i’m in love. video soon to come hold your horses. Someone needs to ask Pat about his out of no where trip to RENO, hahahahahahahahahahahahaha showed up at the door at 10 am beggin to get in, hahahahahahahahaha, who does that!!!