vegas dec 5-10

i’ll see if i can get in contact with my Old boss, he’s a box office manager for some kinda show in vegas.

yeah, there’s probably only one of those out there…

you can rent a lot of cars out there by the hour… also bikes…

bellagio is teh speeling i believe

Rio is ok biggest buffet in town(but not the best). Head over to the palms for nite time fun :bigok:

that would be sweet. id like to go see some of the stuf therte
but most of it is hella expensive and i wont be able to afford it!

anywhere there is free drinks ill make it fun! :idhitit:

WOW…Any one know how much an hour i could get a ferraris for? i just wanna get laid in it and burn the tires off a few times… hahah :yum:

don t go to canada to gamble then!! but im with you!! free drinks make las vegas!!

anyone know if there’s any stand up comedy’s? im saving up some cash to have a blast… i wanna do a lot there

I just returned from Vegas and I can tell you that the Palms is the highest paying out casino in Vegas. The big hitters, Bellagio, Venician, Mandalay Bay, Luxor, NY NY, Paris, Excalaber, etc… are all on the bottom of the 1-50 payout percentage list they give out every year. Palms was #1 at like 97% or something like that, the state law is a minimum of 86% but since the Real World, etc… they started paying out like a mo fo because its such a hot spot in Vegas, make sure to try and get into the Ghost Bar at the Palms, its the famous real world bar on the 55th floor with the bullet proof glass 4x4 section of floor on the patio where you can stand on and look at nothing but concrete 55 floors down while your wasted! They have girls dancing in lingere all over the place. Also we met a dude that worked for the Hard Rock club Body English, which is one of Paris Hiltons famous clubs and he hooked us up with our names on the list which was another awsome bar / club… check em out HAVE FUN!

S500’s were like $500 / day from Enterprise in LA, SL500’s were around the same. Same with Escalades / Denalis, etc… I would say you would not be able to rent it for an hour, proably a whole day minimum, plus you would have to be at least 25 years old and have about $3000-$4000 to rent it… not worth it IMO