verizon phone needed

anyone have a cheap verizon camera phone i have a krazr and im tired of delaing with verizon with it when it does the same thing over and over i just want another phone

ebay blows

I have a Samsung A930 with 3 batteries, two wall chargers, and a car charger. Make an offer! It’s in pretty nice shape too

ehhh…you can find alot of great deals on there for anything if your patient and look around and try re-wording your search…

I have two gunmetal Razr’s if you’re interested.

I’ve got less than 2 months old samsung U740. with a bunch of other stuff inclided

call verizon and see if they still let people put prepaid phones on post paid accounts…if so take your ass up the street to walmart and get a phone for 50 bucks…stop investing in expensive phones…you trash them way too quickly…

dont need anymore verizon replaced mine for free