Very dope drifting video

i’ve Been watching a lot of these “bs bildeler” vids from ClashProduction. I think they’re pretty dope. So I thought I’d post some up…unfortunately I’m a noob so you’re gonna have to click the link gasps maybe even copy and paste shocked face. uuhh srry? lol

dude in the black silvia fuckin kills it. i luv it

once again…black silvia

feel free to embed the vids, or whatever, if you’re not as noob as me.

---------- Post added at 09:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 PM ----------

I guess the supras cool too. I love the sound of the 2jz, but the supra desntt make me tickle down low like the silvia does.

Sick vids.

I learned how to roll my fenders with my breaker bar now :smiley:

LOl, mint roll ^ AHAHA

Cool vids